Medical and health

For these reasons, never eat cucumber with the skin!

Today’s industrial world and the need to supply a variety of foods and fruits on a daily basis has led many farmers in different countries of the world to use a variety of chemical pesticides to prevent pests of their fruits and agricultural products, one of which is cucumber.

Today’s industrial world and the need to supply a variety of foods and fruits on a daily basis has caused many farmers in different countries of the world to use a variety of chemical pesticides to prevent pests of their fruits and agricultural products, one of which is cucumber.

Cucumber is cultivated as a plant and in many cases pesticides are used to kill pests and parasites, and sometimes these chemicals penetrate into the skin of the fruit.

I have to say; Washing cucumbers does not completely remove these pests from the skin, and for this reason, experts recommend that people take cucumber peels when eating them. Another problem is the use of a type of wax and wax on cucumber, which is created to retain moisture, prevent pests and create a bright green color, and is usually made from chemicals, honey wax or oil derivatives, and is a synthetic substance that can be eaten. Becoming has negative effects on the body.

Cucumber skin contains a lot of vitamins and fiber and is very useful for the health of the body, but experts advise people to use organic fruits if they want to eat cucumber with its skin and make sure that in its growth and cultivation of Pesticides and all kinds of chemicals and waxes are not used.

The chemicals in cucumber skin can cause severe food allergies in some people, so it is recommended that people, especially if they have a history of food allergies, eat cucumber without skin.

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