Medical and health

benefits of starch for the skin and its side effects

Are you familiar with the benefits of starch (properties of starch) and its ability to treat the skin? If you have not used it, stay with me until the end and read this text.

Starch is a complex carbohydrate. Most plants and fruits store energy as starch. Starchy foods are the main source of carbohydrates for most people. They play an important role in a nutritious and balanced diet; Because they provide glucose for the body, which is the main source of energy for every cell.

What is starch?

Foods rich in starch are also valuable ingredients in the kitchen; Because they can thicken soups and sauces without adding fat.

Extracting pure starch from food is a white, tasteless and odorless powder that does not dissolve in cold water or alcohol. Starch is made up of glucose molecules.

When a person eats starchy foods, the body breaks down natural polymers into glucose units that provide energy throughout the body. Starch is used in production processes in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, paper and food.

Everyone should eat most of their dietary carbohydrates in the morning; Therefore, the best time to consume starch is morning to noon.

Types of starch

According to the nutritional characteristics, starch can be classified into one of the following three groups:

  • Rapidly Digestible Starch (RDS): This form of starch is found in cooked foods such as potatoes and bread. The body quickly converts it into glucose;
  • Slow-digestible starch (SDS): this starch has a complex structure; This means that the body breaks it down slowly. This type of starch is found in cereals;
  • Resistant Starch (RS): This form of starch cannot be easily digested by the body and is excreted intact from the digestive tract like fiber.

Any type of food can contain different types of these starches.

Properties of starch

Doctors recommend eating plenty of starchy foods as part of a balanced diet to provide energy and fiber as well as increase feelings of satiety. Below we see the most important properties of starch.

Is starch rich in energy?

Starch is the most important source of energy for humans. The body digests starch by metabolizing it into glucose. Glucose provides energy for almost every cell, tissue and organ in the body. If there is excess glucose, the liver stores it as glycogen.

Glucose is essential for brain function. An adult’s brain consumes 20-25% of the body’s glucose.


Fiber is an indigestible carbohydrate source found only in plant foods. Starch-rich foods such as corn, beets, potatoes, beans, fruits, and whole grains are good sources of fiber. The body does not digest fiber; But, these carbohydrates are an essential part of a diet.

Nutritionists divide fiber into two forms, soluble and insoluble. Fruits and vegetables are sources of soluble fiber that can absorb water. Soluble fiber feeds the good bacteria in the gut and prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria, slows food digestion and softens the stool.

If you want, you can read about 8 properties of honey.

Insoluble fiber does not absorb water. Instead, it passes through the digestive system and increases stool volume to keep bowel movements regular and prevent constipation. Whole grains, nuts, seeds, and green leafy vegetables are good sources of insoluble fiber.

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), most people in the United States do not eat enough fiber. Government guidelines suggest that adult women need 28 grams of fiber per day, while adult men need 34 grams of fiber.

Increase satiety

Eating starchy foods may help increase feelings of fullness after a meal. Research shows that eating foods rich in resistant starch helps people feel full.

These foods may also improve insulin sensitivity and reduce fat storage. In addition, eating fibrous foods rich in resistant starch may help people maintain weight.

In a small 2018 study, researchers found that consuming resistant starch at breakfast and lunch significantly reduced participants’ energy intake at that meal.

benefits of starch for skin and hair

benefits of starch for skin and hair

Considering that many questions such as does starch whiten the skin are asked about the properties of starch for skin and hair, here we will examine the properties of starch for skin.

Corn starch powder is the most widely used starch powder that is often used in kitchens to create the consistency of different foods. But corn starch can be used to treat all kinds of skin problems.

Corn starch is rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C and minerals such as zinc, calcium and iron, which help stimulate the regeneration of healthy skin cells and maintain healthy skin function.

The vitamins and minerals in cornstarch work for skin health, making it an important ingredient in skin care regimens.

Cornstarch is a natural drying agent that helps prevent fungal skin infections. Using corn starch powder can help relieve the burning and itching caused by the infection. It also reduces moisture or sweat, which prevents the growth of fungi, and this is one of the most important properties of starch for the skin.

Properties of starch for facial skin

Corn starch is useful for acne-prone skin; Because it absorbs excess skin fat. The use of corn starch also helps to remove impurities from the pores of the skin such as dirt and dust, and perhaps it can be said that this is the most important property of starch for the skin of the face.

Does starch whiten the skin?

Corn starch is used for instant brightening and whitening of the whole body and face; Because it contains vitamin A and minerals such as iron and calcium, which help to remove dark spots and pigments and lighten skin color. It also stimulates cell regeneration and promotes overall skin health.

What are the side effects of starch?

So far, we have seen what starch is and got to know its properties, now it is better to see what are the side effects of starch and what are the disadvantages of corn starch powder?

For most people, starch does not pose any risks or side effects. The Dietary Guidelines recommend that people eat a balanced diet that includes starchy foods.

However, people with certain diseases, including diabetes and congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID), should moderate their starch intake; Because the harm of using starch will be great for these people.

The American Diabetes Association recommends that people with type 1 diabetes count the number of grams of carbohydrates and then balance it with their insulin dose; Because the most important disadvantage of using starch for these people is the increase in blood sugar. People with type 2 diabetes should avoid consuming large amounts of carbohydrates at one time and instead spread them evenly throughout the day.

Another disadvantage of corn starch powder is weight gain. If starch is consumed excessively and foods containing starch are consumed, they will cause weight gain due to high calories, which should be considered as one of the disadvantages of corn starch, especially for people who want to lose weight.

When is the best time to consume starch?

Morning to noon is the best time to consume starch.

If you have any questions about starch, ask your question in the comment section so that the doctors of the site of Sib can answer your questions.


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