Medical and health

The best foods during pregnancy

During pregnancy, which is an important stage in the life of the mother and baby, nutrition and the use of certain foods that help the health of the fetus are very important.

Pregnancy is one of the most important stages in the life of mother and child. You have probably heard that eating certain foods is essential during pregnancy. Foods that can strengthen the mother and improve the health of the fetus. Which foods are considered essential by experts in this period? In this article, we have mentioned some of these foods that it is better to put them in your food basket during pregnancy.

dairy products

You should get more protein and calcium during pregnancy to meet the needs of your growing baby. Dairy products contain two types of high quality protein: casein and whey protein, which is obtained in the process of milk production. Dairy is the best source of calcium and provides large amounts of phosphorus, B vitamins, magnesium and zinc.

Yogurt, especially Greek yogurt, contains more calcium than other dairy products and is very useful. Some dairy products also contain probiotics that ensure the health of the mother and fetus.


Legumes are an excellent source of fiber, protein, iron, folate and calcium, all of which the body needs most during pregnancy. Your body needs a lot of one of the most important B vitamins, folate, in the first trimester of pregnancy.
During pregnancy, a person needs an average of 600 micrograms of folate per day, which is a challenge to achieve through other foods. By adding legumes to your diet, you can greatly meet this need.


In addition to having hundreds of different cooking methods, potatoes have large amounts of beta-carotene, which is converted to vitamin A in the body and is essential for the growth of the child.
In addition to beta-carotene, potatoes are high in fiber, which lowers your blood sugar and ensures gastrointestinal health.

Salmon fish

Salmon is rich in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which have many benefits.
These are found in large amounts in seafood and help build your baby’s brain and eyes, and can even help complete the 9-month gestation period.
In addition, salmon contains large amounts of vitamin D, which will help improve the health of fetal bones and increase the efficiency of the immune system.


Eggs are a rich source of choline, which is a vital nutrient during pregnancy. This substance is important in the development of the child’s brain and helps prevent abnormalities in the development of the brain and spine.
A whole egg contains approximately 147 mg of choline, which brings you closer to the recommended amount of 450 mg of choline per day during pregnancy (although more studies have been done to determine if it is sufficient).
A large egg contains about 80 calories, high quality protein, fat and many vitamins and minerals.

Broccoli and dark leafy vegetables
the vegetables
Broccoli and dark green vegetables such as kale and spinach provide many of the nutrients you need.
Adding servings of green vegetables is an effective way to get vitamins and eliminate constipation due to the presence of all the fiber. Vegetables also reduce the risk of low birth weight babies.

Red meat and protein

Beef and poultry are excellent sources of high quality protein. Beef is also rich in iron, choline and other B vitamins. You will all need more of these substances during pregnancy.
Iron is an essential mineral that red blood cells carry as part of hemoglobin. As your blood volume increases during pregnancy, you will need more iron. This is especially important in the third trimester of pregnancy.
Low iron levels in early and mid-pregnancy may cause anemia and iron deficiency, which increases the risk of low birth weight and other related complications.
Meal iron needs are difficult only with meals, especially if you hate meat or are vegetarians. However, for those who are able to eat lean red meat regularly, it may help increase iron absorption from food.
Combining foods rich in vitamin C, such as oranges or bell peppers, with iron-rich foods can also help increase its absorption.


This fruit is an excellent choice during pregnancy due to its high content of healthy fats, folate and potassium.
Healthy fats help build the skin, brain and tissues of your fetus, and folate may help prevent neural tube defects, brain and spinal abnormalities such as spina bifida.
Potassium may help relieve leg cramps. This is a side effect of pregnancy for some women. In fact, it is better to know that avocados have more potassium than bananas.

Dried fruits

A serving of dried fruit can provide a large percentage of the recommended amount of vitamins and minerals, including folate, iron and potassium.
Prunes are rich in fiber, potassium and vitamin K. They are natural laxatives and may be very helpful in relieving constipation. Dates are rich in fiber, potassium, iron and plant compounds. However, dried fruits also contain large amounts of natural sugars.
Although dried fruit may help increase calories and nutrients, it is generally not recommended to eat more than one serving at a time.

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