
Iran’s space history was published in the Aerospace Industries Monthly

The special issue of Space Technology Day of Aerospace Industries Monthly contains numerous and interesting articles on the historical trend of space technology in Iran, and part of the future space programs of the country has been published as two exclusive interviews by officials of the Ministry of Defense and Iran Space Research Institute.

This issue includes the most complete calendar of space technology in Iran (from 1248 to this year), two exclusive interviews with the space spokesman of the Ministry of Defense and the head of the engineering and assurance missions of the Iranian Space Research Institute, reports of recent exercises, a report on the launch of the first accelerator Space startup in Iran, the calendar of the most important space missions in the world in the last year and several educational and analytical articles about the most important technologies in the field of space in the world have been published.

The Aerospace Industries Monthly is a scientific, news and analytical publication that is published with the aim of monitoring, environmental scanning and analyzing trends in the field of knowledge, technology, industry and aerospace ecosystem of Iran and the world. The aim of the publication is to increase the awareness of policy makers, managers, craftsmen, users, technologists, professors, students, alumni and other interested parties in the developments, changes and developments in the field of aerospace. The publication also seeks to provide the audience with an accurate understanding of the current and future state of the industry by producing content and systematic research while inspiring.

Issue 142 of the Aerospace Industries Monthly has been published under the management of the new editorial team and under the editorship of Abbas Kharabaf (journalist, researcher and aerospace technology expert).

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